Thursday, December 6, 2012

IBM Launches New Skills Programs to Help Students and Technology Professionals Prepare for Jobs of the Future (PRNewswire)

ARMONK, N.Y., Dec. 5, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- IBM (NYSE: IBM) today announced an array of programs and resources to help students and IT professionals develop new technology skills and prepare for jobs of the future. The initiatives include new training courses and resources for IT professionals, technology and curriculum materials for educators and expanded programs to directly engage students with real-world business challenges.
The new resources will help reduce a critical technology skills gap outlined in IBM's 2012 Tech Trends Report released today. The report, authored by the IBM Center for Applied Insights, found that only 1 in 10 organizations has the skills needed to effectively apply advanced technologies such as business analytics, mobile computing, cloud computing and social business. In addition, nearly half of the educators and students surveyed feel there is a major gap in their institution's ability to meet the growing demand for advanced technology skills.
To view an interactive graphic that illustrates key findings from the report visit:

PR Newswire (

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Discipline-Based Education Research: Understanding and Improving Learning in Undergraduate Science and Engineering. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2012.

National Research Council. Discipline-Based Education Research: Understanding and Improving Learning in Undergraduate Science and Engineering. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, 2012.
"The National Science Foundation funded a synthesis study on the status, contributions, and future direction of discipline-based education research (DBER) in physics, biological sciences, geosciences, and chemistry. DBER combines knowledge of teaching and learning with deep knowledge of discipline-specific science content. It describes the discipline-specific difficulties learners face and the specialized intellectual and instructional resources that can facilitate student understanding.
Discipline-Based Education Research is based on a 30-month study built on two workshops held in 2008 to explore evidence on promising practices in undergraduate science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education. This book asks questions that are essential to advancing DBER and broadening its impact on undergraduate science teaching and learning. The book provides empirical research on undergraduate teaching and learning in the sciences, explores the extent to which this research currently influences undergraduate instruction, and identifies the intellectual and material resources required to further develop DBER.
Discipline-Based Education Research provides guidance for future DBER research. In addition, the findings and recommendations of this report may invite, if not assist, post-secondary institutions to increase interest and research activity in DBER and improve its quality and usefulness across all natural science disciples, as well as guide instruction and assessment across natural science courses to improve student learning. The book brings greater focus to issues of student attrition in the natural sciences that are related to the quality of instruction. Discipline-Based Education Research will be of interest to educators, policy makers, researchers, scholars, decision makers in universities, government agencies, curriculum developers, research sponsors, and education advocacy groups."

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Community Colleges in the Evolving STEM Education Landscape: Summary of a Summit

"The National Research Council (NRC) and National Academy of Engineering (NAE) have released a new report, Community Colleges in the Evolving STEM Education Landscape: Summary of a Summit. Based on a national summit that was supported by the National Science Foundation and organized by the NRC and the NAE, the report highlights the importance of community colleges, especially in emerging areas of STEM (Sciene, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) and preparation of the STEM workforce.
Community colleges are also essential in accommodating growing numbers of students and in retraining displaced workers in skills needed in the new economy. Community Colleges in the Evolving STEM Education Landscape: Summary of a Summit looks at the changing and evolving relationships between community colleges and four-year institutions, with a focus on partnerships and articulation processes that can facilitate student success in STEM; expanding participation of students from historically underrepresented populations in undergraduate STEM education; and how subjects, such as mathematics, can serve as gateways or barriers to college completion."

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

BHEF STEM Higher Education and Workforce Project

STEM Higher Education and Workforce Project
The nation needs new forms of collaboration among business and industry, higher education, and government to transform STEM higher education and to boost the number of scientists, mathematicians, and engineers graduating from our colleges and universities. BHEF has launched the BHEF STEM Higher Education and Workforce Project to address these challenges and align higher education with national and regional workforce needs.
The project’s goals include:
·         Increasing the number of undergraduates, particularly women and underrepresented minorities, who persist and graduate in high-need STEM disciplines.
·         Deepening the relevance and content of undergraduate STEM education, particularly in the freshman and sophomore years, to augment the workforce preparation and skills of STEM students.
·         Increasing the alignment of undergraduate STEM education and degree production with workforce needs, particularly at the regional level, with a focus on high-demand STEM fields.
·         Demonstrating effective approaches to collaboration between business and higher education, incorporating data analysis and modeling to simulate the impact at scale of piloted STEM interventions.
BHEF STEM Higher Education and Workforce Project Strategy
BHEF’s STEM Higher Education and Workforce Project utilizes four mutually reinforcing strategies to achieve the project’s goals. BHEF is:
1.     Supporting BHEF members’ corporations and universities in regional demonstration projects to identify and implement innovative approaches to meeting joint education and workforce needs. BHEF’s regional STEM work begun in Maryland, where University System of Maryland (USM) Chancellor and BHEF Chair William “Brit” Kirwan is leading a project designed to close a substantial gap between job openings in STEM fields and the number of STEM graduates. BHEF members will lead projects in other sites, including: St. Louis, MO; Columbus and Cleveland OH; Madison and Milwaukee WI; and sites in Nebraska and California. Click here for an overview of BHEF's STEM Regional Projects.
2.     Conducting data analysis and identifying new metrics to build the research base underpinning and monitoring this effort. BHEF’s STEM Research and Policy Brief Series uses unique longitudinal data sets that capture student career interest and student proficiency in four core areas.
3.     Modeling effective strategies and practice in STEM education, using BHEF’s U.S. STEM Education Model as well as new models under development.  The results of the modeling, as well as regional projects, will be disseminated through BHEF’s evidence-based resource center,®.
4.     Driving a national strategy to link government, university, and industry associations, including the Association of American Universities, the Aerospace Industries Association, and others to develop and advance a national STEM workforce development strategy and influence national policy.  

ACT - Tomorrow's Workforce Now 

Tomorrow’s Workforce Now is an initiative designed by ACT and key community college presidents to help improve America's workforce by providing evidence-based selection tools that will benefit thousands of employers and tens of thousands of individuals. Community/regional conveners, or “champions,” such as community college partners, will organize groups of employers who will have the opportunity to use the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC) Plus - at no cost - to assess up to 20 individuals each.
This initiative requires strong leadership and organization at the local level. A growing number of community colleges across the nation have committed to such leadership roles in implementing the program. Community colleges, acting as local champions, will work with other partners including businesses, workforce agencies, and economic development agencies to help build communities equipped to create and compete for high-quality jobs and careers.
The program is supported by the American Association of Community Colleges, California Community Colleges, and many individual community colleges across the nation.

Right Skills Now -  
Injust-released study by The Manufacturing Institute, over 80% of manufacturers report they cannot find people to fill their skilled production jobs.  As a result, there are over half-a-million manufacturing jobs open right now.  Responding to this talent crisis, and the need to create jobs in this country, The Manufacturing Institute worked with the President’s Jobs Council to tailor the national manufacturing certification system into a nationally replicable fast-track solution to deliver JUST IN TIME TALENT to small manufacturers.  This accelerated program allows individuals to earn college credit and national industry certifications in 16 weeks, preparing them for immediate employment in high-quality manufacturing jobs and giving them a solid foundation to advance in higher education and careers.

Business Community Seeks to Strengthen America's Postsecondary Education

Business Community Seeks to Strengthen America's Postsecondary Education

PR Newswire
New Report Underscores Need, Launches National Outreach Effort
NEW YORK, April 30, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- For decades, a college degree was seen as the key to economic success for each American and for our nation. American postsecondary education institutions are no longer producing enough graduates with the skills necessary to meet the demands of today's workplace. American businesses cannot find enough skilled workers for the millions of jobs they are looking to fill.  The fact that there are not enough people earning degrees with the skills employers need will also affect our country's overall global competitiveness. 
Today, the Committee for Economic Development (CED) is beginning a national campaign to get business leaders involved in postsecondary education reform.  To launch the effort, CED is releasing Boosting Postsecondary Education Performance, a report with data that underscore this urgency.  The CED report concentrates on those "broad-access" institutions that will bear much of the burden when it comes to providing postsecondary education to most Americans.  CED's goal is to help build stronger connections between postsecondary education and the American business community in order to drive the needed structural reforms throughout this vital sector of American education. 
"CED believes that an informed and mobilized business community can make an enormous difference in identifying, framing, and supporting critical reform strategies, and will outline the steps business leaders can take to make a difference," said CED Trustee Jeffrey Joerres, Chairman and CEO, ManpowerGroup.  Mr. Joerres is a Co-Chair of CED's Postsecondary Education Subcommittee. 
The report identifies six key steps business leaders should support in each state to promote greater productivity, innovation, efficiency, and accountability in higher education.
  1. Explicit goals for the awarding of postsecondary degrees and certificates for the state as a whole, for each sector of the postsecondary system, and for each publicly supported institution of postsecondary education, based on state economic and demographic conditions.
  2. Strategic financial resource allocation plans that are aligned with state goals and specifically designed to motivate increases in productivity and effectiveness.
  3. Annual indicators and metrics that measure progress toward state goals. 
  4. "Policy audits" to review the state regulatory environment and identify statutes, regulations, policies, and procedures that impede efficiency, productivity, and innovation.
  5. An annual statewide education "summit" or other exchange among stakeholders to maintain accountability and focus on state goals, to assess progress, and to discuss how to continue and accelerate postsecondary improvements.
  6. Support state strategic objectives through their own corporate policies by directing tuition assistance programs to the most productive and effective colleges and universities, whether they operate through traditional educational programs or offer innovative approaches such as on-line instruction and competency-based credentials, and assisting the 37 million workers who have some postsecondary experience but no degree or credential so that they can complete their programs of study.
Some postsecondary institutions have partnered with businesses to develop and expand innovative approaches that serve students' and employers' needs. Examples include: 
At Rio Salado College in Tempe, Arizona, local businesses recognized that half of those who enrolled in college were dropping out. To help students succeed, the school and local businesses worked together to create more than 600 online classes as well as flexible locations. One of Rio Salado College's corporate partners, the United Services Automobile Association, increased its workforce nearly ten-fold in recent years, due in large part to the kind of skills training and college credits completed at Rio Salado by more than 3,000 of its employees.
Huntington Ingalls, a spin-off of Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding, relies on a highly skilled workforce equipped to handle the complex challenges of shipbuilding. This business invests more than $100,000 per student to provide training and degrees through its apprentice school in Newport News, Virginia. Apprentice students receive a salary and benefits as they work through four- and five-year programs that build skills needed for success in the industry and provide associate degrees in business administration, engineering technology, or engineering.  
"There is a disconnect between the higher education community and the business community," said CED Trustee Bruce MacLaury, President Emeritus, The Brookings Institution, "but business leaders need to get involved.  They have the most to gain – but the most to lose if we don't improve our higher education system."  Mr. MacLaury is a Co-Chair of CED's Postsecondary Education Subcommittee. 
This report release will mark the launch of CED's national initiative to promote postsecondary education reform.  It will provide an important forum for business leaders and experts to highlight reforms that will enhance performance, innovation, and efficiency. It is a part of CED's overall outreach strategy to engage national, regional, and local business leaders on the important issue of postsecondary education reform.  The effort will continue with meetings in several states throughout 2012.  This CED statement is based on research funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.  The findings and conclusions are those of CED, and do not necessarily reflect positions or policies of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. 
For a link to Boosting Postsecondary Education Performance, go to:
For more on CED's business-led effort to reform the postsecondary education sector, go to
CED is a non-profit, non-partisan organization of more than 200 business leaders and university presidents. Since 1942, its research and policy programs have addressed many of the nation's most pressing economic and social issues, including education reform, workforce competitiveness, campaign finance, health care, and global trade and finance. CED promotes policies to produce increased productivity and living standards, greater and more equal opportunity for every citizen, and an improved quality of life for all.
CONTACT: Morgan Broman(202) 469-7814

US Innovation Web site - state reports 

About, is a project of ASTRA, The Alliance for Science & Technology Research in America. was created to advocate science, technology, research and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) in the United States. Through aggregation, provides a one-stop portal where visitors can keep up on the latest news and resources for everything relating to science and technology.
ASTRA is a unique collaboration of individuals and organizations drawn from industry, professional and trade associations, universities, and research centers united in common cause to increase federal funding for the physical, mathematical & computational sciences and engineering.
ASTRA was founded in 2000 by a group headed by Dr. Mary Good, former Undersecretary for Technology Policy at the U.S. Department of Commerce and currently Dean of the Donaghey School of Information Science and Engineering at the University of Arkansas. From a core group of about 18 key corporate, university and nonprofit leaders, ASTRA has expanded its membership to nearly 130 organizations and a U.S. and global network of about 45,000 individual scientists, engineers, researchers, economic development experts and policy makers in general. ASTRA's Board of Directors represent America's top science & technology companies, leading academic research institutions, scientific & engineering professional and trade associations, research laboratories, and many smaller businesses and entrepreneurial companies.
ASTRA is a nonprofit, publicly-supported IRC 501(c)(3) organization. Contributions to ASTRA may be tax-deductible to individuals and for-profit entities. Our companion Web Site can be found at 

Another resource -

SHRM Leading Indicators of National Employment® (LINE®) 

STEM Connector - Resources/Programs/Reports

Workforce Planning to Fill the STEM Jobs Pipeline
May 2, 2012 – 2PM EST

STEMconnector™ responds to the demand from the community working in STEM Education and workforce development for increased connectivity between entities improving our STEM-skilled workforce. Our mission is to provide information and resources that increase communication, encourage collaboration and promote sustainable and replicable approaches to STEM education interventions. By pursuing this mission we aim to realize efficiency gains through eliminating duplication and quality improvement by sharing best practices. Accomplishing these ambitious goals requires that we leverage our collective experience and that of our partners to develop innovative communications and products that reach diverse audiences in impactful and meaningful ways.

Tools and Resources — The site that you are currently visiting is itself one of our main tools in promoting connectivity. Officially launched in November 2011, the STEMconnector™ Directory contains over 3500 profiles of stakeholders in STEM Education and mapping the STEM Education activity of all 50 States and the District of Columbia. Through careful research, we identified these entities and mapped their roles in an intensive 6-month process. We then embedded the fruits of our research into a searchable online database. Since the launch, response has been impressive as hundreds of new organizations have been added to the database and we continue to improve and update existing content in collaboration with the listed entities. The STEMconnector™ Database has given us a tool to establish partnerships with a broad cross section of organizations working in STEM Education to increase our reach and connectivity in regions through working relationships.

STEMdailySTEMdaily™ — The newest addition to the STEMconnector™ Toolbox, STEMdaily™ is a daily news feed that we send free of charge to subscribers. Content comes from a variety of sources: major news outlets, business wires, blogs and affiliate submissions. We are marketing this product to the entire STEM Education community. STEMdaily™'s aim is to connect the STEM Education by providing reliable and relevant news to a broad audience of stakeholders involved in STEM Education. The newsletter provides summaries of 10-15 stories across 10 different categories with links to the original content in an easy-to-read format. To subscribe click here.

STEMCouncilSTEM Council — On May 8th, 2012 STEMconnector™ will convene the first STEM Council meeting comprised of representatives from member companies and organizations within the STEMconnector™ network. The aim of the STEM Council Meeting is to lay the foundation for companies to establish internal structures to develop holistic STEM Education Strategies that conform to corporate objectives and strategy. Much like diversity councils serve as organizing structures around the principle of diversity, STEM Councils will bring together different perspectives on workforce needs and community involvement from normally unconnected sectors. Leadership from an executive committee member will be critical in order to ensure that STEM Councils have the resources in order to affect organizational change.

Town HallTownHall— In the fall of 2011, STEMconnector™ held conference calls on critical STEM issues: Women in STEM and STEM and Jobs in the lead-up to our launch on November 30. The objective of these calls was to convene voices from across the stakeholder community to present perspectives from industry, government, education and non-profits working on these issues. We will continue these calls in 2012 focusing on timely and high profile issues relating to STEM Education and Workforce Development. Like the previous calls, the TownHall will convene high-level decision-makers within organizations across the public, private, academic and non-profit sectors with the aim of informing and connecting stakeholders by establishing common goals and patterns of excellence. On May 2nd 2012, we will hold our inaugural STEMconnector™ Town Hall via Webex focusing on "Workforce Planning and Filling the STEM Jobs Pipeline." Click Here for more details.


100 Women Leaders in STEM100 Women Leaders in STEM — STEMconnector™ is committed to increasing the number of women that enter STEM Fields believing that achieving population proportional representation of women in STEM fields hold the promise of increasing the quality of our talent and numbers. We are currently compiling a volume of 100 Women Leaders from across Corporations, Non-Profits and Government. On June 28th at the U.S. News STEM Solutions Conference, we will release the names of these amazing women in a bound volume as well as on our website complete with biographies and interviews. By celebrating these women, our goal is to provide aspiring young women and young female professionals with tangible examples of successful women in STEM fields. Click Here for more details.

US News STEM Solutions ConferenceUS News STEM Solutions Conference — Along with our partners Innovate+Education and U.S. News, we are co-presenting the first annual U.S. News STEM Solutions Conference in Dallas on June 27-29, 2012. Keeping true to the STEMconnector™ Mission, the Conference will be the first of its kind to bring together stakeholders from across the spectrum of STEM Education to discuss how to improve communication across the larger issues of supply, demand, metrics, policy and communications. The conference will generate proceedings that will serve as reference materials and guideposts moving forward. Click Here for more details

Thursday, March 29, 2012


The Context

Massachusetts is engaged in a fierce competition with other states and nations for talent, investment and jobs. The state’s primary assets in this competition are the overall educational level of our people and our workforce and the inventiveness and competence of the creative individuals and organizational leaders who drive our innovation-dependent, knowledge-based economy. Nurturing these assets through education, research and creative activity is the most important contribution of the state’s colleges and universities to the overall well-being of Massachusetts. The Vision Project is the vehicle through which public higher education has come together to stay focused on this work and hold ourselves accountable for results.

The Key Outcomes
In order to achieve our educational vision, Massachusetts public higher education must
claim national leadership in:
    College-going rates of high school graduates
    Graduation and success rates of the students we enroll
    Academic achievements by our students on campus-level and national assessments of learning
    Alignment of our degree programs with key areas of workforce need in the state’s economy
    Achievement of comparable outcomes among different ethnic/racial, economic and gender groups
In order to achieve our research vision, the University of Massachusetts must claim national leadership in:
  1. RESEARCH ACTIVITYResearch activity related to economic development
  2. ECONOMIC ACTIVITYEconomic activity derived from research

The Annual Report

To hold ourselves accountable for achieving national leadership on these key outcomes, we will issue an annual report to the people of the state, comparing our work to that of our peer institutions in other states.

Policy Areas

Achieving national leadership on the five key educational outcomes calls for attention to the policy areas depicted in this graphic. The goal of eliminating disparate outcomes is embedded in each of the other outcomes

MA Board of Higher Education

PCAST Documents & Reports


On Tuesday, February 7, 2012, the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) released its report entitled “Engage to Excel: Producing One Million Additional College Graduates with Degrees in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics.”  This report provides a strategy for improving STEM education during the first two years of college that we believe is responsive to both the challenges and the opportunities that this crucial stage in the STEM education pathway presents.


Three imperatives underpin the recommendations in PCAST’s report:

1. Improve the first two years of STEM education in college.
2. Provide all students with the tools to excel.
3. Diversify pathways to STEM degrees.

In addition to its call to create a Presidential Council on STEM Education to help implement and expand uponPCAST’s recommendations, the report’s major policy recommendations—applicable to technical and
community colleges as well as four-year colleges and universities—are:

1. Catalyze widespread adoption of empirically validated teaching practices.Studies have shown that classroom approaches that engage students as active participants improve retention of information and critical thinking skills and can significantly increase STEM-major interest and perseverance, compared with conventional lecturing. In one study, for example, students in traditional lecture courses weretwice as likely to leave engineering and three times as likely to drop out of college entirely compared withstudents taught using active learning techniques. In another study, students in a physics class that used activelearning methods learned twice as much as those taught in a traditional class, as measured by test results.These evidence-based teaching methods do not necessarily require more resources than traditional lectures, butmost faculty lack experience using these methods and are unfamiliar with the vast body of research indicatingtheir impact on learning. The Federal Government could have a major impact by supporting programs thatprovide training for faculty in evidence-based teaching methods and materials, and by supporting thedevelopment of tools to measure progress in this domain.

2. Advocate and provide support for replacing standard laboratory courses with discovery-based
research courses.
Too often, even the “active learning” elements of today’s teaching regimens—laboratory courses— simply repeat classical experiments rather than engaging students in compelling experiments with the possibility and excitement of true discovery. One study found, for example, that college sophomores who engaged in research projects with a professor were significantly less likely to leave STEM majors than those who did not. The Federal Government should support the scale-up of model research and design courses and change Federal rulesto allow the expansion of opportunities for student research and design in faculty research laboratories.

3. Launch a national experiment in postsecondary mathematics education to address the math
preparation gap.
Nearly 60 percent of students enter college without the math skills needed for STEM majors. This not only
limits students’ ability to enter these careers, but costs a great deal—colleges spend at least $2 billion per year on developmental education for underprepared students. The Federal Government should support an initiative to reduce the math bottleneck, focusing on: summer and other bridge programs for high school students entering college; improved remedial courses for college students; new college math curricula developed and taught by scientists and engineers who are not mathematicians, and; producing more K-12 mathematics teachers from non-math-major science and engineering graduates.

4. Encourage partnerships among stakeholders to diversify pathways to STEM careers.The conventional educational “pipeline” to STEM competency and accomplishment should be replaced by a
more diverse set of pathways to attract and retain STEM students with backgrounds atypical of traditional
STEM students. With the assistance of Federal programs and public-private partnerships, 2-and 4-year
institutions should make new connections among themselves and with other institutions to provide more entry
points and pathways to STEM degrees. These connections should reach beyond current partnerships between community and technical colleges and private-sector employers to encourage scientific research and engineering design exchanges across two-and four-year institutions.

PCAST is an advisory group of the nation’s leading scientists and engineers who directly advise the President and the Executive Office of the President. For more information, please visit

2010 - K-12 STEM Education Report

PCAST STEM Education Report
On September 15, the President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) released a plan for improvements in K-12 Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education. For more information, see below:

Thursday, January 19, 2012

NSF - “Science and Engineering Indicators.”

The National Science Foundation (NSF) released the 2012 edition of its biennial publication, “Science and Engineering Indicators.”  Among many other findings, the report shows that the U.S. remains the global leader in supporting research and development (R&D), but “only by a slim margin that could soon be overtaken by rapidly increasing Asian investments in knowledge-intensive economies.”  NSF Director Subra Suresh said in a prepared statement that “we must take seriously new strategies for education, workforce development and innovation in order for the United States to retain its international leadership position."  

The report, a rich source of data on research funding, higher education (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education in particular), and  the STEM workforce, also finds that between 2002 and 2010, state financing of the top 101 public research universities dropped by 10 percent in constant (inflation-adjusted) dollars.  Funding varied widely by state and by institution, but 72 of the top 101 universities experienced an overall constant-dollar reduction in state appropriations.  (See Chapter 2, page 2-12.) For example, University of California campuses saw reductions of between 17 percent and 35 percent, while four State University of New York campuses received increases ranging from 71 percent to 171 percent. 

The report notes that while the value of overall state funding declined nationally, enrollment was growing consistently, so that state funding per enrolled student fell by 20 percent in constant dollars between 2002 and 2010, dropping from $10,195 to $8,157.  Preliminary data by state show state funding continuing to decline between 2009 and 2011, with 35 of 50 states reporting reductions in state appropriations and other state support, “ranging from less than one percent to more than 28 percent.”

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

NSB Releases Report on NSF’s Merit Review Criteria

NSB Releases Report on NSF’s Merit Review Criteria

January 9, 2012
The National Science Board (NSB) has released its report National Science Foundation's Merit Review Criteria:  Review and Revisions. The report is the culmination of a thorough review by the NSB Task Force on Merit Review to determine if the Merit Review Criteria used by the National Science Foundation (NSF) to evaluate all proposals since 1997 remain appropriate. The Board also recognized that the America COMPETES Reauthorization Act of 2010 included a provision mandating the retention of the Broader Impacts criterion. Based on the Task Force's analyses, NSB concluded that the two current Merit Review Criteria of Intellectual Merit and Broader Impacts remain appropriate for evaluating NSF proposals, though with revisions. The revisions to the Criteria are described in the report.
NSB Report: National Science Foundation's Merit Review Criteria:  Review and Revisions
If you have trouble accessing any of the information in this document, please contact the NSB Office at  703-292-7000.)